The Firebrand Moderate: Thoughts from a Gun OwnerMany gun owners are among the 75 percent of Americans who want stricter gun laws. They recoil from the NRA’s political messaging. But they…Mar 6, 2018Mar 6, 2018
Liberal or Conservative: Who’s Fittest for Survival?It’s not like lion versus zebra. More like squirrel versus squirrel.Apr 19, 2017Apr 19, 2017
The U.S. Invasion of Iraq: Swatting a Hornets’ Nest with a BatThis was written in September, 2004, recalling a debate with a friend in the spring of 2003, just before the U.S. vote to invade Iraq. It…Mar 24, 2017Mar 24, 2017
How Bannon Wins: Scare the ModeratesThe psychological operations practiced by Bannon, whether by instinct or guile, are the kind that undermine the faith of good people in…Feb 7, 2017Feb 7, 2017
American Gridlock: Sometimes a Feature, not a BugI have a friend, a smart and ironic Dutchman who like many Europeans regards American culture and especially American politics as a sort of…Mar 25, 2016Mar 25, 2016
Devout Muslims and the Separation of Church and StateAre Muslims out to get us? On the scale of Ridiculous to Imminent, the discourse needle on that question seems to hover closer to Imminent…Jan 31, 2016Jan 31, 2016